About Viktor


Born in Hungary, I first picked up a camera at the age of 10 in Paris. Taking photos of all the pretty boats on the Seine so I can take them home with me and show it to my little brother. In a low lit restaurant, under the table I opened up the little plastic camera's back to take a peak and to make sure everything was alright in there... (Some images did survive the event and I also learned a valuable lesson about light sensitivity of photo materials.)


Many years later as the film era started to yield its place to the digital world, I started my journey with a Canon Rebel (D300), the first affordable consumer DSLR of the time. I had two issues: I envied the high resolution of other more expensive cameras, and I also felt that I can never capture the reality of a place or sight appropriately in one image. There are way more perspectives in which we see things when we're there.


To overcome these constraints I stepped out of the frame and into a more versatile matrix of images that can better capture what I was experiencing, and the impressions I got from a particular scene. Ever since I'm using this technique to take sights with me so I can re-live them as close as possible to how they felt in real life.


Viktor Schmidt Photographer

